Monday, 18 September 2023
19:00-20:00 | Opening Reception: Hotel M, Genk |
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 – Morning Session
Energy Ville, Thor Park 8310, 3600 Genk
08:50 | Genk Train station (EUROPALAAN, 39 3600 GENK) bus to EnergyVille |
09:00 | Registration Open and Coffee |
09:30-09:45 | Johan Driesen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, EnergyVille, Belgium |
EnergyVille 2023 Symposium Welcome | |
09:45-10:00 | Maria Brucoli, SSE Energy Solutions, UK |
The Microgrid Symposium Tradition | |
10:00-10:30 | Gerrit-Jan Schaeffer, EnergyVille, Belgium |
EnergyVille Introduction | |
10:30-11:00 | Marija Ilic, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA |
Welcome Keynote – Cyber-Secure Dynamic Monitoring and Decision Systems (DyMonDS) for Emerging Microgrids: Challenges and Opportunities | |
11:00-11:15 | Coffee Break |
11:15-12:45 | Europe Session 1 |
Chairs: Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical U. of Athens, Greece Maria Brucoli, SSE Energy Solutions, UK | |
11:15-11:35 | Yanbo Wang, Aalborg University, Denmark |
DC Microgrid Technology toward Green E-Transportation | |
11:35-11:45 | Discussion |
11:45-12:05 | Katja Sirviö, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland |
Dynamic Energy Landscapes: VTT’s Leading Role in Unlocking Innovation and Powering Tomorrow | |
12:05-12:15 | Discussion |
12:15-12:35 | Jan Cappelle, KU Leuven – EnergyVille, Belgium |
Agri-PV: combining food and electricity production | |
12:35-12:45 | Discussion |
Administration Update | |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch |
Tuesday, 19 September 2023 – Afternoon Session
Energy Ville, Thor Park 8310, 3600 Genk
13:45-15:15 | Asia Session |
Chairs: Meiqin Mao, Hefei U. of Technology, China Dongjun Won, Inha U., South Korea | |
13:45-14:05 | Yukitoki Tsukamoto, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation |
Introduction for Several Types of Microgrid System and Digital Energy Platform | |
14:05-14:15 | Discussion |
14:15-14:35 | Wei Feng, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Flow Battery and its application in microgrids and demand response | |
14:35-14:45 | Discussion |
14:45-15:05 | Hyeongjun Yoo, KERI, South Korea |
Grid-Forming Inverter-based Distributed Control for Microgrids | |
15:05-15:15 | Discussion |
Administration Update | |
15:15-15:30 | Group Photo Shoot |
15:30-15:45 | Coffee Break |
15:45-16:45 | POSTER Introduction Session |
Chairs: Mihaela Albu, Tech. U. for Science and Technology Politechnica of Bucharest, Romania Hiroshi Asano, Central Research Inst. of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Japan | |
15:45-16:45 | Each poster presenter gives a 3 min teaser: |
poster 1 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 2 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 3 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 4 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 5 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 6 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 7 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 8 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 9 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 10 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 11 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 12 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 13 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 14 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 15 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 16 (PDF File – Pitch Video), poster 17 (PDF File – Pitch Video) | |
16:45-17:45 | Coffee Break and Poster Viewing |
17:45-17:50 | Closing Announcements |
18:30 | Bus Departs for Dinner Venue |
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 – Morning Session
Energy Ville, Thor Park 8310, 3600 Genk
08:50 | Genk Train station (EUROPALAAN, 39 3600 GENK) bus to EnergyVille |
09:00 | Registration Open and Coffee |
09:20-09:30 | Maria Brucoli, SSE Energy Solutions, UK |
Day 2 Opening Address | |
09:30-10:00 | Trevor Gaunt |
Welcome Keynote – Microgrids and electrification in South Africa | |
10:00-11:30 | Isolated Systems Session |
Chairs: Alexandre Prieur, CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada, Canada Jorge Ortiz, Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA), Spain | |
10:00-10:20 | Michael Ross, Yukon University, Canada |
Lessons learned in Old Crow post-commissioning | |
10:20-10:30 | Discussion |
10:30-10:50 | Oscar Aitchison, Okra solar |
Mesh Grids – redesigning electricity networks from the ground up | |
10:50-11:00 | Discussion |
11:00-11:20 | Yanni Luo, Sungrow, EMEA |
Empowering Microgrids: Sungrow’s ESS Solutions & Tibetan Success Story | |
11:20-11:30 | Discussion |
11:30-11:45 | Coffee Break |
11:45-12:45 | Europe Session 2 – EU Projects |
Chairs: Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical U. of Athens, Greece Maria Brucoli, SSE Energy Solutions, UK | |
11:45-12:05 | Nikos Hatziargyriou, National Technical U. of Athens, Greece |
Project RE-Empowered: Renewable Energy Empowering European and Indian Communities | |
12:05-12:15 | Discussion |
12:15-12:35 | Massimo Cresta, ASM Terni SpA, Italy |
HYPERRIDE – Hybrid AC/DC microgrid | |
12:35-12:45 | Discussion |
12:45-13:45 | Lunch |
Wednesday, 20 September 2023 – Afternoon Session
Energy Ville, Thor Park 8310, 3600 Genk
13:45-14:45 | Europe Session 2 – DC Focus |
Chairs: Johan Driesen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, EnergyVille, Belgium Maria Brucoli, SSE Energy Solutions, UK | |
13:45-14:05 | Johan Driesen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, EnergyVille, Belgium |
Microgrids for EV charging | |
14:05-14:15 | Discussion |
14:15-14:35 | Laurens Mackay, DC Opportunities, Netherlands |
DC Microgrids | |
14:35-14:45 | Discussion |
14:45-15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:00-16:45 | Americas Session |
Chairs: Guillermo Andres Jimenez Estevez, University of Los Andes, Colombia Jim Cale, Colorado State University, USA | |
15:00-15:15 | Americas Overview |
15:15-15:35 | Fabio Andrade, University of Puerto Rico |
Resilient Microgrid Pilots | |
15:35-15:45 | Discussion |
15:45-16:05 | Luiz A. S. Ribeiro, Federal U. of Maranhão – UFMA/Brazil and Tech. U. of Denmark – DTU |
Medium Voltage Microgrid for Alcântara Launch Center | |
16:05-16:15 | Discussion |
16:15-16:35 | Ali Mehrizi-Sani, Virginia Tech, USA |
Microgrids for Military Installations: A Technology Review | |
16:35-16:45 | Discussion |
16:45-17:00 | Closing Session |
Back-up Speakers
Fereidoon P. Sioshansi, Menlo Energy Economics, USA | |
Regulatory & policy obstacles to privately owned micro-grids: A California case study | |
Michael Ross, Yukon University, Canada | |
Microgrids in Canada’s North | |
Roni Irnawan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia | |
The Design and Testing of IoT-based Microgrid Control | |
Antti Pinomaa, LUT University, Finland | |