Presentations and Posters

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09:00-09:05 Amirnaser Yazdani, Ryerson U. & Symposium Chair
09:05-09:15 Mayor (invited), Niagara-on-the-Lake
09:05-09:30 Farid Katiraei, Quanta Tech., & Int. Symposium Steering Committee Chair
Microgrid Symposium Tradition
09:30-11:00 THE AMERICAS Session 1
Chairs: Jim Cale (NREL) & Bobby Sagoo (GE)
09:30-09:50 Lisa Dignard-Bailey, NRCan, Abraham Ellis, Sandia National L., & Guillermo Jimenez, U of Chile
Overview of Microgrids in The Americas (Dignard-Bailey) (Jimenez)
09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:00-10:20 Ryan Li, U of Alberta
Power Quality Control in Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids
10:20-10:30 discussion
10:30-10:50 Claudio Canizares, U. of Waterloo
Energy Management Systems (EMS) for Microgrids
10:50-11:00 Discussion
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 THE AMERICAS Session 2
Chairs: Chris Marnay (MgDoM) & Judy Cardell (Smith College)
11:30-11:50 Abraham Ellis, Sandia National Lab
Improving Microgrid Cybersecurity
11:50-12:00 Discussion
12:00-12:20 Craig Wooster & Jorge Martinez
Stone Edge Winery Microgrid: Goals, Challenges, and Pitfalls
12:20-12:30 Discussion
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14:00-16:00 EUROPE Session
Chairs: Micky Albu, U. P. Bucharest & Johan Driesen, K.U. Leuven
14:00-14:20 Wolfram Heckmann, IWES
Overview of Microgrids in Europe
14:20-14:30 Discussion
14:30-14:50 Phil Taylor, Newcastle University
Automatic Microgrids
14:50-15:00 Discussion
15:00-15:20 Aris Dimeas, NTUA
Smart Islands Networks with Very High Penetration of RES
15:20-15:30 Discussion
15:30-15:50 Volker Bühner, EUS GmbH
The SmartRuralGrid EU Project: Power Router and VPP Enabling Coupled LV-Microgrids
15:50-16:00 Discussion
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 SPECIAL PANEL on the New York Prize (PDF)
Chairs: Julieta Giraldez (NREL) & Peter Asmus (Navigant)
16:30-18:00 Maria Brucoli, eDF Energy R&D
Paul Tyno, Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus
Robert Panora, Tecogen
Andrew Melchers, Siemens
Mike Bakas, Ameresco
Dennis Elsenbeck, National Grid
19.00-21.00 Dinner
09:00-10:30 ASIA Session 1
Chairs: Shigeru Bando, CRIEPI & Jaeho Choi, Chungbuk Nat. U
09:00-09:20 Ryoichi HARA, U. of Hokkaido
Power to Heat Technology: Demand-side Contribution for Demand-Supply Balancing
09:20-09:30 Discussion
09:30-09:50 Jong-Chan Lee, Green Tech
Tech. & Econ. Feasibility of Hybrid Microgrids
09:50-10:00 Discussion
10:00-10:20 Zheng Dehua, Goldwind
Goldwind Smart Microgrid and Industrial park Smart Energy Internet
10:20-10:30 Discussion
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 ASIA Session 2
Chairs: Yung-Ruei (Raymond) Chang, INER & Meiqin Mao, Hefei U. of Tech.
10:30-10:50 Jianhua Zhang, North China Power U.
Microgrid and IEC Standard
10:50-11:00 Discussion
11:00-11:20 Jia Liu, Osaka U.
Parallel Operation of Distributed Generators by Virtual Synchronous Generator Control in Microgrids
11:20-11:30 Discussion
11:30-11:50 Kuo-Yuan Lo, Taiwan Institute of Nuclear Energy Research
Microgrid Technology Development at INER
11:20-11:30 Discussion
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13:30-15:10 REMOTE Session
Chairs: Saad Sayeef, CSIRO & Michael Ross, Yukon College
13:30-13:45 Larisa Dobriansky, General Microgrids
Remote Power Systems in India
13:45-13:50 Discussion
13:50 -14:05 John Ward, CSIRO
Australian Outback Systems
14:05-14:10 Discussion
14:10-14:25 David Rodriguez, ENEL
Ollagüe: Advanced Hybrid Microgrid in the Chilean Desert
14:25-14:30 Discussion
14:30-14:45 Mohammad Sedighy, Hatch
Renewable Isolated Microgrids
14:45-14:50 Discussion
14:50-15:05 Clint (Jito) Coleman, TDX & Scott Manson, SEL
St. Paul Island Alaska Microgrid Development Project
15:05-15:10 Discussion
15:10-15:40 Coffee Break
Panel on Microgrid Controllers
Chairs: Farid Katiraei, Quanta Technology & Russ Neal (UCI Consultant)
15:40-17:20 Steve Drouilhet, Sustainable Power Systems, Inc.
Bobby Sago, GE
Luis Zubieta, ARDA Power Inc.
Lorenzo Reyes Chamorro, EPFL
Jean Nikolas Paquin, Opal-RT
Onyi Nazimako, RTDS
Frank Kling, ETAP
Paul Roege, Typhoon HIL
17:20-17:30 Wrap-up of the Niagara 2016 Symposium on Microgrids
2016 Symposium Chairs: Farid Katiraei & Amir Yazdani
17:30-17:40 Tour Introduction
Canadian Solar (Peter Su), PowerStream (Shuvo Chowdhury)
17:40-18:00 Newcastle 2017 Symposium on Microgrids
2017 Symposium Chairs: Saad Sayeef
19:00 Dinner on your own
Back-up Speakers
Ali Mehrizi-Sani, Washington State U. Power Electronics for Integration of Renewables
Johan Driesen, K.U. Leuven Power Electronics for Integration of Renewables
Hua Geng, Qinghua U, Stability Analysis for Multi-Converter Microgrids
Markson Tang, Renewable Energy Solutions, Application of H2 for Higher Energy Efficiency in Smart Grid Generation
Maria Brucoli, eDF Power Research Virunga Park Electrification
Chris Marnay, MgDoM A US-China-Europe Smart Grid Benefits Comparison
Xavier Vallvé – Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA) Renewable Mini-Grids Innovation Outlook